The official diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-PTSD suggests that it occurs following exposure to an extremely stressful event which triggers feelings of fear and insecurity and often results in the individual reliving the occurrence or re-experiencing the same emotions.
However, there is no fixed definition or criteria for what trauma is, irrespective of the occurrence, an individual’s definition of their trauma is unique and refers to their own subjective experience.
Some of the well-established symptoms of PTSD involve having flashbacks or nightmares, feelings of anger, denial, shock, or guilt, and experiencing the fight or flight response.
To help you cope with your trauma, therapists have formulated trauma-focused work. These are different approaches which are directed at alleviating the symptoms you are experiencing. This approach includes EMDR and REWIND therapy. Unlike other methods, these aim to help relieve the physical symptoms that you are experiencing without having to talk about or relive your traumatic experience.